The investment, trade and industry minister questions where the line should be drawn, citing that the US company also has a ...
It is not going to be easy for Lim Guan Eng and Ramasamy to see their old comrades like Chow Kon Yeow or Hannah doing so well for themselves or laughing all the way to the bank, when they themselves ...
The six MPs who previously declared their support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have automatically lost their ...
Umno’s readiness to reintegrate the very same members it purged a little more than a year ago can stabilise the party and ...
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menjalankan siasatan menyeluruh berhubung isu penerimaan kontrak melibatkan ...
YOUTH and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh opted to remain tight-lipped regarding the ongoing controversy surrounding the ...
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang claimed that some people despise Islam and its teachings because the media has the tendency to ...
DAP’s abandonment of Malaysian Malaysia would be the quid for Umno’s pro quo – dropping Malay dominance. Terence Netto, FMT ...
Lee Kuok Tiung says the decision will be down to which alliance offers a better chance of success, although Putrajaya is ...
However, another analyst says the reintegration of expelled and suspended leaders could reinvigorate their loyal supporters. ...
A thing that has been the number 1 for so long that it has become a part of its identity, never goes gently into the night. Before it falls, it will take everything down with it. Nehru Sathiamoorthy ...
The ambitious PKR deputy president has plans to take over the party, but what are his odds? (MalaysiaNow) – Rafizi Ramli’s ...