A new program that leverages cloud technology to facilitate a secure system for handling classified information could soon ...
According to researchers, ghost roads are defined as roads that do not appear in the two leading global road datasets: the ...
Virtual Power Plants could help energy researchers discover viable paths toward a more sustainable future. Here's how.
The recent discovery of a partial skeleton in Western Siberia has helped scientists identify a new ancient species.
Scientists studying a 4,000-year-old Egyptian skull say they were left 'stunned' when they found something 'extraordinary.' ...
Elon Musk and his team at Neuralink have asked the public for help with a challenging issue the company is facing: data ...
SPOTIFY In the fourth bonus episode of the DWR, Steph and Kenna discuss the Star Wars Expanded Universe and its impact on fan ...
Thylacine sightings have persisted for decades, causing some wildlife experts to wonder whether the species might have ...
Black hole mergers may produce smaller black hole “morsels” that could help astronomers detect Hawking radiation using ...
New research finds AI systems are becoming masters of deception, quickly learning how to lie and manipulate human users.
A breakthrough in the understanding of ion movement within supercapacitors could pave the way for laptops that charge in one ...
New models of Pluto support the idea that a liquid water ocean lies beneath the dwarf planet's frozen surface.